The Photographer

My photo
I heart: photography, my family, my Creator, beautiful mountain views, ice cream, scrapbooking, sewing, cooking desserts, coupons, the color teal, Craigslist and the beach.


I had a GREAT time doing a photoshoot with some good friends of mine. They are a beautiful couple and it was so fun doing a "just for fun" photoshoot. Thank you Chuck and Trish for allowing me to do this for you guys!


New Look!

Thanks to Courtney at Not So Homemade I have a new look! I am SO happy with my "updates" and am very thankful that I got a blog mini-makeover fore the cost of a homemade headband ;)

So check out her blog! She has amazing recipes and crafty ideas. I still want to do the Magnet Menu...


Bailey Family

I had SUCH a great time doing a photoshoot with the Bailey family. The kids were precious and the scenery couldn't be better. I am enjoying getting to know this family better. I'll post more later but enjoy the preview: